
ledge by kaylyn parrish from usa

designer's own words:

in the early stages of our design, it was determined that the experience of opening a door is most comfortable for a user when the object in which he interacts with, conforms to his hand. the act of reaching behind a beautiful form and pulling a second piece towards oneself, thus releasing the door, would be the most satisfying and comfortable way of doing so. being cool to the touch and highly durable were also imperative to this experience. referencing natural stone formations in cast concrete, the door handle provides a cool, fresh contrast to common finish materials such as wood and could exist beautifully in a variety of both internal and external settings. as the user approached the door handle he would perceive a clean, rectilinear form gently interrupted by a gradually curving contour. in noticing the contour's reference to his own hand, he would place his hand on the piece, pull a second concrete piece forward, and open the door.


copy_9_prototype.jpg an early clay prototype

ledge_plan.jpg ledge plan

ledge_section.jpg section through ledge

ledgeincontext.jpg ledge in context