Learning Daily Through Curiosity

Learning Daily Through Curiosity by AGALLEY from uk

designer's own words:

After completing endless research on curiosity and curious things, it was needless to say that after completion I still wasn't 100% certain on what curiosity was. This led me on to believe that curiosity is different for everyone. I initially wanted to create something which could give different meanings to different people but I went on to develop an Ironic answer to this brief. Instead of asking myself what was curiosity, I decided to provide a resource, an area for people to go who were feeling curious. I started creating a website, which soon turned into the modern day 'application' which was a tool for learning. I found that lots of people have such narrow minded outlooks on life and this application is a step to preventing this and to help people become more knowledgeable. Knowledgeable through curiosity. To keep this application being used and to help the user take steps in the right direction I incorporated 'Targets' which allows the user to set a number of articles/videos to read a day. For example someone may set 4 a day, this means they will have to go and find 4 videos/articles through the app and read / watch them. If daily targets are reached, failed or exceeded this will appear in the goals section and you can see how you've got on the last 31 days also. Overall I have created an area for people to go when they want to learn something different, something they don't see or read every day.

Learning Daily Through Curiosity
Learning Daily Through Curiosity
Learning Daily Through Curiosity
Learning Daily Through Curiosity
Learning Daily Through Curiosity