LEAF by maria joão negrão from portugal

designer's own words:

The main architectonic tendencies of nowadays tend to be generally divided between minimal and clear or high-tech and edgy forms.
The idea for Leaf’s drawing is to combine both.
If for one side on minimal projects there are certain elements that are more expressive to contrast with the main project image, on the other side on edgy projects all the elements normally have the same filling that combines with the overall project.
Taking this into consideration Leaf’s drawing can be seen as minimal but with a simple twist or a sculptural edgy form.

Material : Aluminium or Stainless Steel
Manufacturing process : Fusion and hot molding

The main piece can be combined with different kind of roses: round or square depending on the client desire.
Leaf can also be applied on windows using the vertical version.

main view

copy_0_22_painel_2.jpg main view

copy_0_22_painel_3.jpg technical drawing

copy_0_22_painel_4.jpg rose options