Laughing of simple things

Laughing of simple things by rui soares from portugal

designer's own words:

"la vache qui rit" is a pioneer brand born 90 years ago. the innovation relies not only on the product itself but also on the different kinds of packaging destined to different usages: serving-size foiled wedges, squares, bite-sized cubes, pods.
many other cheese brands copied the already archetypal flat round box. because lvqr is no longer just a product - it's a symbol of childhood shared by different generations. this logo aims to convey and celebrate this ubiquity achieved by lvqr, as well as its innovation and vision. my image proposal for lvqr is simplified and reduced to its essencial core exactly because the brand already achieved the status of universal symbol and doesn't need introductions. lvqr is familiar and dear to all of us and that is exactly what should be celebrated.




