
lamanija by jeandonne schijlen from belgium

designer's own words:

the design of the door handle consists of two sweeping lines, which meet each other at both ends of the handle. at the kink of the handle, these lines create a triangle for extra firmness.
the shape of the rose relates to the lines of the handle.

the suggested fabrication process of the handle uses techniques derived from the automotive industry. the two sweeping lines can be manufactured as separate parts by using injection moulding. the parts can be glued together by an adhesive material. at the end, the door handle can be finished off by a finishing coat (e.g. chrome coating).
the outer measurements of the rose are based on accepted sizes and can be manufactured with the usual techniques. the design takes into account the conventional mechanical parts which are used for the door handle’s mechanism.

perspective front

2_perspective_side_below.jpg perspective side from below

3_drawings_front_view_top_view.jpg 2d drawings

4_perspective_top.jpg perspective top

5_fabrication_process.jpg suggested fabrication process

6_perspective_side.jpg perspective side