ksharim* by elad adler from israel
designer's own words:
in hebrew, the word used for a handle is "yadit". this word comes from the word "yad" which means “hand”. wearing tefilin is a daily ritual, in which jewish religion followers wrap around their left arm a- cuboid containing important prayers from the bible. this cuboid is connected to the arm by a leather strap that surrounds the arm 7 times. only after the tefilin are set on the arm do the prayers begin.
another famous jewish ritual is the placing of the mezuza on each doorstep, on the top-right side. the mezuza functions as a reminder to all followers of the presence of god everywhere, and him being a curtail part of our life.
searching for a simple and esthetic addition for the door handle, yet keeping it meaningful was the main objective of my design. i wanted to make a change in the feeling that an individual experiences when opening a door. this special designed door handle fills a similar function as the mezuza- welcoming you into a new environment and giving you a safe feeling that you can connect to. this is why i wrapped a simple shaped door handle with tefilin like stripes, giving it a new look and feel.
materials: aluminum, brass
* ksharim in hebrew means connections, and also means knots.