korean green belt project by nathan avila from usa
designer's own words:
I believe our sophisticated way of life hinders our understanding of the very importance of making this monumental attempt to create harmony with our home.
i purpose the development of a single uninterrupted path with no start or finish, but who's intent is to bridge cities and city dwellers with the jeweled natural places of korea. The project goal is to inspire the korean people to be conscious of these places and why preservation and eco minded development is important by creating a path through cities into natural places. where it become just a matter of walking, biking, or hiking the path to places that conflict with urban living and bring thoughtfulness to the participants. it is also a project that encourages contribution from a community level and should inspire one day projects that share a common purpose with a path towards a clean, green and prosperous future.
a project envisioned and initiated by incheon but intended for all citizen of the korean peninsula and the world to enjoy and contribute to.
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