kitty hillier   paintings 2011

kitty hillier paintings 2011 by kitty hillier hillier from uk

designer's own words:

painted shapes are altered, covered, carefully revealed and reworked until a final resolution is reached. with chisels, whole areas can be obliterated, and the plywood itself offers hidden layers. often forms emerge from the grain which influence the final outcome. other motifs are filtered from a constant documentation of everyday small details, found images and curious objects. the titles reference this research - collected often, alongside small sketches, they usually relate to something of personal significance to the artist but can appear disjointed. tracking in and out - between the complex interaction and conflict of marks on the two-dimensional surface, and a deeper vista; it is up to the viewer to draw their own narratives.

black coffee paper cup 2011

copy_0_72dpi_img_2865.jpg drawing 4 2011

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