kitchen is life

kitchen is life by tanya rojawat from thailand

designer's own words:

Energy is important to all lives. It is an untouchable natural resource. Energy makes electricity that provides us light. Energy produces heat that keeps us warm. Energy causes motion and so on. Energy that human consumes daily is not recyclable. The world is changing; natural resources are used more and more and one day might become an end.
Therefore, reusing energy is critical. Have you ever thought of the energy that is waste away from all activities in our kitchen?
It would be great if we could reuse such energy.
The future kitchen is going to be the center of storing and distributing energy. Energy produced such as the heat from the boiler or the oven, the spinning action from the washing machine energy or even the motion produced when cooking, cutting etc. is going to be captured by the sensor in the kitchen. The sensor will transform the energy into the electric energy and store it in order to distribute the electricity to all parts in the house such as television, light bulb, air condition or even our car.

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