karbo by oleg zak & tanya kapilevich from israel
designer's own words:
KarBo, the personal and easy-to-use cooling device that allows us to drink cool water without needs to cool water before. Just slip it in the bottle and start to drink. KarBo consist of plastic tubule and plastic container around it, which contains good cold saving liquid. The water cooled up by passing thru cool liquid container; therefore water chilled up before entering our body.
The KarBo device is very easy to use, just put it in refrigerator and take it with you when going out for sport or short travel. KarBo remains cold up to 3-4 hours, and it'll provide you with cool drink whenever you'll feel like thirsty.
KarBo Cooling Device Pic #1
KarBo Cooling Device Pic #2
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