
jutan by fletcher eshbaugh from usa

designer's own words:

jutan is a flexible seating and storage system that is meant to be placed on the floor in a teenager's room. the unit is deliberately low tech in order to accommodate all of the other high tech aspects of a teen's life. the entire unit is made of flexible rubber for durability and comfort. half of the unit stores trash with the other half stores dirty laundry. the concept is born out of the notion that teenagers are not ready to be organized, and that this enables them to clean up their room by "sweeping everything under the rug." items enter through the (+) slits in the unit, and are then pulled out when the unit is broken apart into two separate compartments. these units can then be carried to the trash and/or laundry and then placed back together again.

jutan seating + storage

jutan_2_fletcher.jpg sweeping everything under the rug

jutan_3_fletcher_.jpg jutan detail