join by diogo lage souza from brazil
designer's own words:
This design concept aims to bring people together and integrate spaces with an innovative solution: appliances with detachable units.
JOIN allow cook and guests to interact in food preparation and eliminate the need for constant trips to the kitchen. With that, hosts and guests could relax together in the living area while still preparing a meal. Cooking is done on the portable surface while beverages are chilled in the portable serving unit.
In order to transmit beauty, status, efficiency and durability, the appliances have a diamond cut design. Just like a diamond is used to highlight a person, those products would be used to highlight a home.
The formal aspect, together the creative use of new technologies that allows portability, invite people to gether around appliances, creating a new way of interaction between them and people. This unique use provokes a surprising effect and reinforces the presence of brand in moments of leisure.
food conservation
food preparation