jj light product by 280589 from poland
designer's own words:
I would like to present simple product which will help in OLED technology promotion. It is J&J and it is OLED portable light. Nowadays small amount of people who knows what OLED is. Quite often it is caused by ignorance of technology news. It is the final time to change it!
The best promotion of the daily necessities is grapevine. On the one hand Internet, TV radio is the best way to introduce product, but people are more interested and convinced to somethnig trusted and tested by their friends and neighbors. Thus, J&J must be avaiable for everybody – must be small, must be comprise in wallet, purse or pocket. It is a clue to success. People like things which are helpful in everyday life. J&J will be "educational" product and wil help in wider promotion of OLED technology in near future. It can be also distributed as branded gadget.
J&J is the portable light. It might be used by child, youth, adult and older people. It can be used in many different ways. Some people might use it as light guide, support for oppening doors, while seeking something lost in dark, under the sofa or during small repairs in the car. It can also help for parents to win with darkness fear of their children. I would say that, usage is limited just by human imagination.
The J&J looks like typical card, everyone has in he wallet. It consits of OLED standard panel on the left side. On the right side, there is handle for two fingers. The J&J is using capacity technology as buttons to turn it on and off. There are special cut-outs for fingers on the bottom and on the top. It can be done in differents colours, might increase sold of product.
J&J will use flat SuperCap as energy source. For charging it will use power harvesting techology (from radio waves). It might also integrate chip for credit card functionality (for example pay-pass).
At the end I would like to explain the name of the product. It comes from "average Jane" and "average Joe", who represent whole human population. As the name suggests - it is uni-sex product useful in everyday activities. My target is to equip “average Joe and Jane” around the world in such goodies.
J&J light product – promotion OLED technology – marketing targetJ&J light product – kind of product
J&J light product – visualisation of product
J&J light product – usage