
janiragomes.proposal by janira jomes from portugal

designer's own words:

my concept was to use the strip that is used in the moleskine's to bookmark a page and through this strip "bookmark" the blog page as an important page to see again.
by accessing the blog moleskinerie, we can connect to other people with something in common, that is the using of moleskine, so i created a logo that give an idea of the strip using the link of the letters to each other.
as i said before, i have created a type font especialy for the moleskinerie logo, and it was made by myself, first like a sketch font and then vectorized to have the appearence of a real type font. so this type font is exclusive and it doesn´t exist in any other place.


page_202.jpg positive/negative version

page_303.jpg oficial colors/minumum size

page_404.jpg blog application

page_505.jpg others applications