
ishi by mauricio eguchi from argentina

designer's own words:

natural / artificial ; curved / straight ; heterogeneous / homogeneous ; volume / surface ; hard / soft ; natural work / human work ; single / mass.

these are the antagonisms that govern this proposal. it seeks to connect our artificial environment with the natural world.
each stone with its unique shape gives meaning and uniqueness to the usually mute interior doors.
being aware of the cycle of life, the product is aluminum and natural stone made, allowing the subsequent aluminum recycling and a quiet retirement for stone.
Compontents: drilled stone lever, aluminum roses, metalic wedge anchor, colombo´s standard six milimiters system supports.


pp_ishi2.jpg ishi

pp_ishi3.jpg ishi system

pp_ishi4.jpg ishi installation

pp_ishi5.jpg ishi production

pp_ishi6.jpg ishi end