invisible motion

invisible motion by Minmin Shi from usa

designer's own words:

Invisible motion

When I walked on the path of Logo city, looking down, roaring of engine passed in my ear. It became more pronounced then faded away. I could tell it was a small sedan passed by.

When I closed my eyes standing in the hall of New York’s Grand Central Station, constant noise of footsteps, crowd’s babbling, telephones ringing, and children playing surrounded me.

When I walked down into the subway station near Times Square, brakes screeched from inside ran through my body.

Motors, turbines, fans and footsteps .........

Motion leads vibration and sound come from left to right, far and near.

These sounds pass by, go through and surround you, like phantom of motion.

Close your eyes, listen, feel and imagine............
Minmin shi , LUGO, Italy, 2012 winter

Idea:Build a dark semi-dead room with the dimension of 5meters by 1.8 meters by 2.5 meters. Audio equipment (4-6 speakers) will be installed in the room to play edited files. With sound go through, hit, pronounced and fade away, audience will get the experience of invisible motion.

Process detail:
How to make audio files:

Step 1: Collect sounds
Take records of different kinds of sound in subway, square, train station, country road and etc.
Step 2: Edit sounds
Use sound effect software such as final cut pro and sound track pro to organize, abstract and edit sounds.
Step 3: Divide audio file to multiple channels and set each channel to corresponding speaker box.

How to build a dark semi-dead room:
Construct a space by wood sheets and metal structure with the dimension of 5 meters wide, 1.8 meters deep and 2.5 meters high, covering black nylon fabric outside and leaving a “door” to allow people walk in. Install commercial frequency sound absorbers to cover inside wall and cover them with black fabric too. Four to six small speaker boxes will be hang down from ceiling or stand on the ground with average height as 1.5 meters.

Invisible motion.Photo by Minmin shi , LUGO, Italy, 2012 winter invisible motion When I walked on the path of Logo city, looking down, roaring of engine passed in my ear. It became more pronounced then faded away. I could tell it was a small sedan passed by. When I closed my eyes standing in the hall of New York’s Grand Central Station, constant noise of footsteps, crowd’s babbling, telephones ringing, and children playing surrounded me. When I walked down into the subway station near Times Square, brakes screeched from inside ran through my body. [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=””] video

invisible motion Motors, turbines, fans and footsteps ……… Motion leads vibration and sound come from left to right, far and near. These sounds pass by, go through and surround you, like phantom of motion. Close your eyes, listen, feel and imagine invisible motion Idea:Build a dark semi-dead room with the dimension of 5meters by 1.8 meters by 2.5 meters. Audio equipment (4-6 speakers) will be installed in the room to play edited files. With sound go through, hit, pronounced and fade away, audience will get the experience of invisible motion. invisible motion How to build a dark semi-dead room: Construct a space by wood sheets and metal structure with the dimension of 5 meters wide, 1.8 meters deep and 2.5 meters high, covering black nylon fabric outside and leaving a “door” to allow people walk in. Install commercial frequency sound absorbers to cover inside wall and cover them with black fabric too. Four to six small speaker boxes will be hang down from ceiling or stand on the ground with average height as 1.5 meters.