INSPIRED PERFORMANCE MIXER by drew detweiler from usa

designer's own words:

the inspired performance mixer (ipm) consists of a custom laser cut interface and a max/msp/jitter application. the intuitive interactivity of the interface allows first time users to flawlessly mix audio and video in real time. the infiniti logo creates an elegant ergonomic shape for mixing with both hands. two plexiglasss cubes embedded with rfid tags select twelve audio and twelve video sources. capacitive sensors beneath the smooth plexiglass surface provide instant user feedback through blinking leds on the interface and visual cues on the screen. the combination of audio and video effecs with the selection of sources results in a highly variable mix that maintains user interest for extended periods. our rfid cube design has been through rigorous testing by thousands of hands in several large public festivals.

the inspired performance mixer is designed to work as a standalone application or a hub for interactivity across multiple applications. user input data can be shared with other applications via osc or usb. the modular design can be easily expanded to include more features. for example, our previous mixers have included eight channel spatialized audio. with the addition of a sound card and amplification, you can connect the interface to an eleven speaker infiniti studio on wheels audio system and allow users to move the audio through the speakers by manipulating the rotary dial.

the configuration shown in the video consists of a macmini, two short throw projectors, two 6' x 8' screens, a vga splitter, two active audio monitors, and a thirty-inch flat panel monitor. our application accepts multiple quicktime video formats and wav or aiff audio files. an earlier version of our audio video mixer was installed in a children’s museum where it ran for sixty days without a single system crash.

the inspired performance mixer is the most highly evolved interactive mixer developed by lyes belhocine and drew detweiler. both artists draw inspiration from their work as djs and vjs to bring the remix aesthetic to their interactive participatory work. the duo met as students in the digital arts and new media mfa program at the university of california santa cruz. since their graduation in 2010, they have exhibited extensively in the san francsico bay area with venues and clients that include, nasa, zeum-san francisco’s children’s museum, the museum of the african diaspora, zero1 biennale, gray area foundation for the arts, public works, and absolute zero san jose.

inspired performance

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