"Inside a tear" by Mad Rabbit from lithuania

designer's own words:

As many people all around the globe, I always thought that this world consists of white and black, of yin and yang, of positives and negatives. It doesn’t really matter how you call it, because in the end it all depends on us and choices which we make at every step of our life by sticking to the positive or to the negative side of this world. All these reflections of my mind gave birth to a minimal and surrealistic patterns collection called “inside a tear”. The name of this collection symbolizes the world through our eyes (and tears) as the expression of our feelings which are emerged from our choices. This is exactly why this collection is made entirely in white and black.

nr. 1 – positive/negative (two patterns)
"Inside a tear"
nr. 2 – positive
"Inside a tear"
nr. 2 – negative
"Inside a tear"
nr. 3 – positive
"Inside a tear"
nr. 3 – negative
"Inside a tear"
nr. 4 – positive/negative (two patterns)