Infinity curves

Infinity curves by Adam Rehak from czech republic

designer's own words:

this installation consists of two core elements. the first one is the shape of the car. it is made of LEDs hanging from the ceiling on thin black wires (or it could be possible to attach the diodes to wires standing on the ground). for parts of the car like wheels, lights, etc, multicolored diodes with the ability to change the color could be used instead. this feature would enable to “animate” the sculpture for a better visual effect. the second core element of the installation is an “infinite mirror”. it is basically a sandwich made of a semi-reflective mirror and a regular mirror. if you put a source of light between these two mirrors ( in our case diodes ), the light will be reflected back and forth and create an illusion of infinite space (see attached pictures). if the regular mirror is slightly angled, it creates an illusion of a giant curved tunnel. in the infinite mirror, there will be only one “layer” of the car, made of several LED diodes. but it will create the effect of thousands of layers stacked one after another. the overall impression of this installation should be an illusion of infinite strings of diodes that form into a car in front of the viewer.
sources of images: and

Fron view – version with straight mirror

copy_59_a2.jpg Side view – version with straight mirror

copy_56_b1.jpg Front view – version with angled mirror

copy_62_b2.jpg Side view – version with angled mirror

copy_198_c.jpg Notes

copy_5_examples.jpg Examples of infinite mirrors