inclusive entry ticket for world heritage site by bhawna Welturkar from india
designer's own words:
Ticket is designed in such a way that
FOR KIDS -the cut profile is a education ‘in terms of form . - the word cloud depicting the list of heritage monuments is presented in an innovative way
- an approach to catch attention .
FOR A USUAL VISITOR - a complete user guide
- in terms of location . - can be used as photoframe as a future function . - as a reminder of the architectural style , form and ofcourse the visit .
FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED - important info. is depicted in braille script . - the sense of smell also connects the visitor with the monument . - the tomb has a distinct aroma which is added in the ticket by application of itra .
FOR ELDERLY - the location map is graphic so easily understood . - also the contrast colors are used for poor vision people. - as a token of remembrance .
Front of ticketBack of ticketProposed solutionText in braille scriptMap with locationticket as souviner