Immerse. by Oli Slattery from uk
designer's own words:
I was walking past a running store at Strand when I noticed someone using the running machine. I thought it was pretty cool that they let people use that apparatus. It triggered my mind: what if the entire store was focused around demonstrations of the sport?
I then thought how such demonstrations could be brought to the fore. Nothing else should come in between the customer and these demonstrations, so they experience it to the fullest. Where else does this strong observer-participant link exist? The zoo. With its decor and mood directed toward fascination, it was the perfect place for the immersion of the customer into the world of the animals. Immerse was born.
I began researching how zoos achieve this effect - through the placing of LED lights around the aquariums. So Immerse features the same aquarium-like windows in the walls. Except rather than animals of oceans, the object is an elite sport played through constant demonstrations.
With its dark atmosphere and purple-fluorescent vitrines, I transferred these elements to the elite sports store. Each elite sport becomes a species of its own, for people to gaze at and be mesmerised. It'll be a human aquarium where each elite sport is a new, mesmerising species. Immerse will feature live demonstrations of technical prowess, kit, and machinery. In front of each vitrine will be featured the key products used in the demonstration - increasing sales both through admiration and the proof that it works in front of their eyes.
I didn't get a lot of time to design the layout of the store, but it will be simple, uncluttered, and spacious. In line with this it must feel dark, cutting-edge, and fascinating. Similar to the moments of bewilderment in Harry Potter when the viewer experiences the underwater breathing devices of each contestant of the Triwizard Tournament, the Immerse store will democratise elite sports. It will be 'the' place people go to when the masses want to see something cool, for free.
Immerse. Elite sports like never before.
Logo and caption.
Typical sport store – cluttered, boring, and unappealing to the masses.
LED lights that will be used around each vitrine of elite sport demonstration.
Example of elite sports demonstration – mountain biker on a rock simulator.
Layout of potential entrance to the Immerse. store. Passers-by will stop and notice the unusual interior, and be surprised that it is withholding a world of elite sports.