
ilusion by gustavo de casimiro-silveirinha from portugal

designer's own words:

as a first approach we sought to understand how moleskinerie should be identified, recognized and how we could potentiate its full power as an icon and stand out in the crowd.
this proposal represents the morphing uses of a moleskine and the moleskinerie blog which are always there. when you have a thought or a design it is there. it may be just an idea, not yet totally formed or fulfilled, but it is clear. such thought is what drives this design that provides a clear identification of moleskinerie without being really there. keeping a base in the world moleskinerie we tried to make a contemporary logo that could work in any format or place.

the logo represents not only the present of but also the future! it represents the award for the information it contains and shares as well as the award for each and every member of a tight community already created of creative and talented people, which can include everyone!
you come to moleskinerie and you show lyrics for a song in a moleskine, but you can also show quantum physics or nuclear research or even the plans for a rocket design to get to mars. once you imagine it, everything can become real!
an open moleskine is an opportunity. an open blog is an opportunity too. moleskinerie is an opportunity! together they create all kinds of possibilities. the richness of the act of drawing is recalled since ancient times, therefore to reflect history in a contemporary sense a design must serve as an input in the simplest of ways of what one means. this input pushes the boundary when a simple logo represents all the information in and yet it identifies it as unique.
when you open a moleskine you can create all kinds of perspectives, all kinds of worlds, all kinds of writings. when you open the blog you don’t know what to expect. that’s unique in the vast choice of the internet.
the way this logo works in different formats and colors allows to change color or placing not losing its own identity, and always keeping in mind the marketing of such important piece of one’s survival kit which is a moleskine and the information shared in
as shown in the pictures a vast range of products could be made with the logo, making it focused in various target audiences of readers of moleskinerie and new ones. once you have made a good logo you can make stickers that keep passing the word, or fabric patches that endure the message. people will ask what is it?, where is it? a trend will be born, as a legend like moleskine has, bringing hugeness to


2stickersbooks.jpg Stickers and Patches

2website.jpg Website and Merchandising

2website2.jpg Website and Merchandising