Illusion by olivier quagliotto from belgium
designer's own words:
This project is an attempt to create a visual impact by using the highly graphical aesthetics of the LG-oled lights.
In order to achieve this, an isometric perspective is added to these basic geometric shapes. As such, a merely 2 dimensional lighting object is given a 3rd dimension according to the angle of view. From a distance only a slender profile is seen, while by approaching a whole new imposing object seems to emerge. By not just copying a trend of isometric illusion in design nowadays but by going a step further, there is chosen to make a composition of several isometric box shapes.
The results are funny fixtures with an unlimited amount of combinations that will put a smile on many face.
The frame containing the lights is made out of cut out aluminium from a sheet with bended (and/or welded) borders for rigidity finished with a powder-coating. Large surfaces will likely need additional welded stiffeners, so special attention needs to be given to the available space between holes and thus avoiding deflections.