i.cup by dominic groll from germany
designer's own words:
i.cup combines two materials for two comforts.
Porcelain for a smooth and gentle surface. And
PCM for enduring warm drinks.
PCM is a synthetic material which saves excresent
heat from its surrounding. When the surrounding
cools down, PCM releases the saved energy to heat
up again.Thereby it´s possible to heat up air, your
body or food for instance.
This technology is already used for snowboard jackets.
You are skiing down the hill. The microscopical small
capsules save the heat your body is producing.
Later when you´re going up the
hill with the lift, the capsules give the energy back.
So you don´t cool down.
That´s the way we do it with your coffee.
i.cup saves energy from a liquid.
Chemically it´s possible to define the efficiency exactly
If the desired temperature is reached, the PHASE CHANGE
MATERIAL begins to heat up your drink. The liquid doesn´t
cool as quickly as normal. You can read your newspaper
or chat with friends -and your cappuccino?
-stays hot.