HSH | hybrid sophisticated handle | by Tim David Lemmler from germany
designer's own words:
In the last decades of our century the door handle got more and more the status of an anonymous building element which is no more one-of-a-kind. It was the fact, that all door handles and window handles should have the same color, the same style and the same adjustment, even though behind those doors are individuals with a different use.
A door handle itself can give you a simple possibility to make a sophisticated assertion in matters of the door itself and the room which is situated behind.
The Hybrid Sophisticated Handle (HSH) can give you that kind of a special assertion towards a door handle without losing the general view.
You can mount the handle in two different ways, first it is possible to kink a small part of the handle upwards and second, you can kink the small part of that handle downwards.
The surface of the handle is cone-shaped and develops from a massive block to a delicate palm.
Because of the hybrid use of the HSH you can define with only two handle types (where the handle is situated left or right of the door) four types of doors. For example, the door handles in an office building with public areas could be mounting in a way that you have to kink the handle downwards. The handle which is now in a lower position and is better available suggests that this is the public area.
In private areas the door handle has be kinked upwards.
The HSH is able to be kinked upwards and downwards and next to the main materials like aluminum and high quality steel you can choose the standard colors like black and white, or you can choose out of a large amount of colored door handles. Because of that it is possible to change and to personalize in the same time an anonymous office floor with colorful accents.
With that little detail the colored door handle can define different floors in an office building and at the same time it personalizes the anonymous floors.
That kind of a door handle can also be used in domestic buildings to make a small but nice difference towards doors and rooms which are situated behind.
hybrid sophisticated handle