
hrusangkali by ticco tiko prabhata from indonesia

designer's own words:

HRUSANGKALI inspired by goddess (Dewi) Srikandi arrows. Dewi Srikandi is a woman in the story of shadow puppets (wayang), portrayed as tough and independent so in accordance with the character of the user is a career woman. Dewi Srikandi also a symbol of woman emancipation. HRUSANGKALI arrows distinctive character aplicated in the morphological form of footwear design. Accentuation of parangrusak batik pattern inspired by the clothes worn by Dewi Srikandi. Application of parangrusak batik pattern in footwear design can also represent elements of local wisdom.
In the story of wayang, described HRUSANGKALI can be 1000 arrows when fired. it inspired modular system in footwear design, so the footwear design has various kinds of alternative configurations. in addition to the modular system, it can be replaced by the module if there are parts that are not suitable to be used / damaged, making footwear design environmentally friendly because they do not have to waste the whole footwear.
HRUSANGKALI using a modular system that allows the user disassemble pairs of shoes. Modular system on the shoe is designed as simple as possible to be done by the home (small) industry that is usually found in most countries in Asia, thereby helping improve the economy and the local residents support the concept of a sustainable economy.

concepthrusangkali3d model