HR advice in a dynamic format: PARTENA POINT, offices turned into shops

HR advice in a dynamic format: PARTENA POINT, offices turned into shops by mojo retail designers from belgium

designer's own words:

Last week Partena opened its first shop concept, Partena Point, in Hasselt. Partena HR is creating its own open office network, an attractive environment in which SMEs, starters and self-employed operators have access to professional HR support. Mojo has designed a bespoke and transparent shop concept specifically for this purpose.

The Partena group decided to position its HR services independently in specialised shops. Against the background of a retail trend that has already been adopted in other services sectors (including banks, employment agencies and telecoms operators), we opted for inspiring and transparent spaces that feel more like a shop rather than an office and that are positioned in high footfall locations. Key aspects raised during a briefing, such as an inviting look & feel, enhanced customer experience and education in an easily recognisable and accessible environment, were all taken into account. Mojo was in charge of both the concept and full implementation of the project.

The design concept creates a warm, welcoming and accessible look & feel based on a pallet of bright colours with corporate blue touches combined with warm materials. The focus was on a transparent concept and modular layout. The 100 m2 space was divided into an open area with soft working spaces and enclosed modular consultation areas. The blue glass sliding walls can be repositioned to accommodate training and/or other events. In the open area customers have access to on screen information and leaflets; everything is centred around a wall depicting the life cycles of a company and its associated HR requirements. The transparent facade provides a clear view of what is going on inside. Shop dummies presenting framed photographs illustrating various professions make an eye catching window display.

Customer service with a smile, an absolute must : Martelarenlaan 3, 3500 Hasselt


copy_0_partena_detail1.jpg PARTENA – Detail

copy_0_partena_detail2.jpg PARTENA – Detail

copy_0_partena_meetingroom1.jpg PARTENA – Meeting Room
