hive nissan

hive nissan by krasimir savchev from bulgaria

designer's own words:

Hello!!! I’m Krasimir Savchev. I decided to participate in your competition, because is giving me the rare opportunity of full artistic freedom .
In our fast moving daily round more people begin thinking about the environment around them. More and more people are having desire to escape from the urban jungle and go to the relax in quiet and calm nature. And for that reason I found inspiration primary simple , clear forms used by the nature. These shapes were tested and precise to resist in weather and cataclysms for million years and meantime extremely beautiful and tough enough to be used in the modern constructions.
The main target, that I set to myself developing this project was to create something, which have to be reliability and functional, so I am using thoroughly shapes from the bee hive, and one of the basic roles in this community- to be closed ecosystem. For that purpose I’m using visors of light panels, which creates more of the power used in the building and the sell structure of the building gives the ability to be more lighted and the on the roof can be created a chill out zone. I think with little help of this building, the model Qashqai will be nature-urbanproof vehicle. I hope that the achieved result will balance and combine your criterion with my creative work, so it’ll make something unique, impressive and remarkable decision, which will shine in our daily routine, and in the same it is functional, comfortable and workable In different conditions of the social environment.
Krasimir Savchev

