Hi!Bye! by boudissa audrey from france
designer's own words:
When you organise a party, you don't want everybody to see all parts of your interior. Sometimes, you want to protect or hide some objects or areas.
- a sheet of cardboard 5 mm
- a cutter
- 4 plastic bags
- 10 drawing pins - a shaping board
It's your turn!
¨HI! BYE!¨ consists in modulating your room and giving it a personal touch. Take your cardboard which is folded every 50 cm and arrange it according to the space (to offer more possibilities, it proposes folding marks every 25 cm). Then, cut it to let appear your T.V. or any other objects you want to be accessible. For example, you can obtain a lighting effect cutting your ¨HI! BYE!¨ in front of a lamp. The shaping board permits to guide you, but you can give free rein to your imagination. Moreover, you can hang up plastic bags thanks to drawing pins. They can be used for delicacies or crisps. The graphics bring some dynamism reminding an explosion and fireworks. ¨HI! BYE!¨ is cheap because of the use of cardboard. It could be thrown out and recycled after several parties.
As you want….
If you want…
It’s your turn!