Hexagon by Lin from australia
designer's own words:
It is raining again. People in the city, with their umbrella, walk quickly and pass through each other silently.
Rain drops keep falling on their shoulders, everything is dark and helpless.
With the design of Hexagon, I hope that in the same raining season, people will feel less lonely. Although surrounded by darkness and wet, they still can have the anticipation to communicate.
Hexagon can be connected with each other by magnetism. Then when people walk in the street on raining day, they can join their umbrella together. For one thing, they can prevent the rain better, for another, by sharing their umbrellas, they can develop a sense of empathy and get closer to each other.
It is raining again. People in the city, with their umbrella, walk quickly and pass through each other silently.
With the design of Hexagon, I hope that in the same raining season, people will feel less lonely.
Anticipate to communicate.
Functional structure.
Who will be the next to anticipate?