Helios by Josh Evans from uk
designer's own words:
The weather is arguably one of the most anticipated things that we do almost everyday. It can make or break plans and is either our best friend or worst nightmare. Therefore with such a wide market, because everyone anticipates the weather, i have designed a more creative and visual experience for people to anticipate the weather. Helios is an array of colour changing LED's incased in Matte black ABS with a band of frosted clear polypropylene to let the light out but disperse it at the same time. The LED's flash or change colour to display the conditions of the weather in your area and LED's on the top light up depending on wind direction. The ABS shells will be injection moulded with the sprue being on the inside for a smooth outer finish. Helios will connect to the met office, and hold inside a GPS for local weather conditions that are up to date and accurate for your location. To power Helios, three AA batteries will need to be inserted in the underside of the casing. Adding on to the powering of Helios, I chose LED's not only because of their availability, reliability and vividness but because of their low power usage. Helios is a product of a greater visual experience, but also one that people will look at and appreciate its elegance.
One aspect of life that we often anticipate is the weather. However, I want to design and make a more visually connect experience for people to check the weather.
I started work on designing a way in which the weather could be displayed. I found that out of sync randomly flashing blue LED’s symbolised rain well and that still blue could portray cold and seamlessly change in a spectrum to yellow and end up at red to show a range of temperature. I felt these displays were quite self explanatory and even tried it on my flat mates to see if they could guess what each meant without knowing.
This blown up picture shows the components of what is inside Helios
This is the model of Helios. An array of colour changing LED’s lets it display different weather conditions and wind direction in a more visually connected way.
Helios is a product that not only displays the weather in a more creative and visual way but one that people will desire to have as a statement piece. A product that looks elegant even when idle.
Pictures of the model of Helios