Heaven Handle by Margarida Caldas from portugal
designer's own words:
This new handle door was thought and designed for everyday.
“Heaven Handle”, is based in curve lines and inspired in the shape of the clouds which reflects the outline lightness of the design.
The "Heaven Handle" is able to surprise us due to its irreverent image, innovation and harmony.
The balance and the contrast of the materials selected were deliberate: the complementary of refinement of the stainless steel with the clearness and the lightness of the colorful of acrylic.
In order to answer to requirements and tastes of all users were created three different models within a very large variety of colors,
One of the models was built for sliding door’s opening. This handle version has an innovation particularity on the housing system called “Clip”, that gives the possibility for the user to change, in a fast and easy way, the piece in contact with the hand.
The handle design mixes a sensual shape with functionality and its full integration into the environment.
There are some people, particularly youngsters and aged, who find hard to operate the round knob door handle mechanism. The advantage of our solution is that, unlike the knob-type handle, it does not have to be gripped tightly. This was taked into account, during development, as the aim was to to reach design for all.
“Heaven Handle” is easy to assemble and install with a simple mechanism.
Intelligent design with the creative brilliance of “Heaven Handle” opens up the doors to step on a delightful little heaven…