heat interchange by daeyong ahn from korea
designer's own words:
A concept from the transfer of heat energy. The population of coffee users is increasing every year. This product is to decrease the usage of paper cup-holder and maintain the coffee taste from the loss of heat energy. This absorbs and keeps the transferring heat energy when high or low temperature affects each other. As a temperature reaches a certain point, the heat interception fiber inside the belt intercepts the heat coming from outside to inside and it releases the heat to maintain the food in the same condition as the beginning when there is a difference of 5~10℃. The colors for the temperature are red and blue to make it safe and easy for everyone to read. This product also could give the energy reduction effect by using it with thermal conduction dishes, especially in the countries with food boiling culture or insufficient energy.
Uses in the cool drink
Uses in the hot thing, Is an environmental product
Operational principle