heart your bike by andrew camardella from usa
designer's own words:
The purpose if this design was to be very direct about what it was saying, in this case it is "love your bike". The main idea is utilizing consumerism as a vehicle to, in turn, love the earth. The idea of loving the whole earth is almost too lofty, so the campaign is to get someone to love something smaller, something personal, but that fundamentally has an impact on the earth. This is to say that if everyone loved their bike then everyone would be loving the earth. But the point is to get someone to love something that is good for them and good for the earth without specifically saying "do this because it's good for the earth." On a larger scale a campaign like this could be expanded to a broader spectrum of things to love. Through development, using consumerism makes it possible to introduce industry into the campaign. For whatever product the consumer is loving, a company sponsors the campaign and the consumer loves their product because they are loving the earth at the same time.