Health Bank by Yassin Askar from uk
designer's own words:
Health Bank
How we spend our money, are in many ways directly linked to our health.
Recent studies from the World Health Organisation show that non-communicable diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Each year, around 36 million people die from life style diseases like diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. These chronic illnesses thus have significant socio-economic impact. For example, a 1 percent reduction in cancer mortality would be worth $500 billion.
It’s estimated that at least 80% of all heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and one third of cancer cases are preventable, as the main cause of these illnesses are intrinsically linked to unhealthy diet, alcohol consumption, and smoking, in essence, things that we purchase and consume on a daily basis.
Furthermore, research from behavioral economics is unambiguous. When we are reminded of the negative consequences of our choices, we are much more likely to change them.
Inspired by this research we designed Health Bank. A hybrid service of banking and health care.
Health bank enables people to save their spending data to their own personal account. Giving the customers a rich overview and detailed visual insight of their spending, to help understand their shopping behaviors and identify unhealthy patterns.
HealthBank Dashboard
Spending Pattern Graphs
Encouraging messages when goals are achieved
HealthBank service overview
HealthBank poster 1
HealthBank poster 2