happy days

happy days by luca intorrella from italy

designer's own words:

HAPPY DAYS stems from the idea not to constrict, but on the contrary to stimulate and help each one’s need to define a space all one’s own. Such an urgency to leave a personal, subjective mark on space and environment is the first step towards the development of a completely independent adult personality, I believe. The project follows two separate, intertwined tracks.
Spatially, the underlying idea is that of the den-room, a spot that’s absolutely individual and claimed, subject to the user’s very own rules.
Temporally, the scheme is built around the days of a week. When I was a teenager, my view on time was absolutely regulated by the succession of days, each one with its peculiar luggage of activities, in and out of school, all the weeklong. A space-time diluted across seven days; a week like a light-year, chock-full of experiences, events and stimuli; a week as a whole stretch of life.
The items I’ve developed, accordingly, bear two different qualities: they’re short-lived pieces (from 13 to 18= 6 years), and they are in constant transition, mutable, defying strict boundaries.

I came up with pieces that are “passive”, defined according to the user, objects that function like silent helpers in the path from infancy to adulthood. My hope, as a designer, is that the 18-years-old doesn’t find himself, one day, in a room best suited to a 13-years old.

Lunedì, Martedì, Mercoledì, Giovedì, Venerdì, Sabato and Domenica (the week’s days names in Italian) build as a whole a modular furnishing system for the teenager’s room. Centered, design-wise, on the strong visual/textural contrast between a horizontal, solid base and a vertical element, these objects can be assembled following specific needs, designing a specific, unique landscape. All items speak of the user, of his/her interests, of his/her wills and needs, and hopes. Day by day, week by week differently.

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