Happaratus - 'Power-glove' for sculpture by morten grønning nielsen from denmark
designer's own words:
Happaratus, is a ‘power-glove’ that makes it possible to shape and sculpt hard materials such as wood or stone with your hands. The haptic power-tool is developed in close collaboration with artisans and craft experts from various disciplines, and sculptor David Neat used a Happaratus prototype to create 'grinlings', a series of beautiful wooden objects
The journey featured a series of conceptual experiments and mechanical explorations that helped uncover the potential for disrupting existing tools and work flows. The result puts the maker in direct contact with the material, investigates the changing nature of the objects we create, and explore how the new opportunities would manifest themselves in contemporary craft.
Project status:
At present Happaratus exists as a couple of works-like demonstrators and a looks-like model.
Visual prototype and objects created with working demonstrator
Visual prototype in working scenario
Working demo in use by Scultor David Neat
Working demo in use by Sculptor David Neat
Objects created with Happaratus prototype. Work by David Neat
Speaker and concrete lampshade created using a Happaratus prototype.