handling close doors by alex fernandes from portugal
designer's own words:
the world health organization estimated that in 2002 there were 161 million visually impaired people in the world (about 2.6% of the total population). of this number 124 million (about 2% of the total population) had low vision and 37 million (about 0.6%) were blind.
currently one of the most important aspects of design is the functionality and in a world with a high rate of blind people we have the obligation of improve their life. this project for the door handle is a way to improve and make the life of blind people easy. this door handle can be used in a lot of buildings. the example below shows braille texture with the word "bathroom" that can be used in hotels, houses and commercial stores.
this project was meant to bring light to people who live in darkness.
this project was developed in autocad, cinema 4d and photoshop.
for the door handle we sugest the use of metal.
measures 1
measures 2
presentation perspectives
perspective 1
perspective 2
braille schematics