handle rocks by zui tao from italy
designer's own words:
a rock does not only means 'randomicity', but 'universality'. the shape of a rock results from living with the other rocks. after a long fighting with the surrounding, a rock finally feels comfortable, meanwhile, makes his friends comfortable, and becomes less and less possible to be changed. the same thing happened in the evolution of a hand. every hand are different, yet unified by time, function, and an immetaphysical world. when we just put those two 'universality' together, to let them choose each other naturally, any so-called 'designs' could be fake, because the parameters could be never enough to make something unfakely 'reasonable'. it objects mass-production, but will become rich people's toy. industrial design, indeed, firstly arrest all of the possibilities, then release them one-after-another, as the form of 'design'.