handle nest by juan david jaramillo florez from colombia
designer's own words:
the proposal comes from the thinking to understand the handle as a functional element of great fluidity an simultaneously, as an object with symbolic connotations, which exists to protect privacy and provide security. by linking these two components comes the lightweight shelter concept as the bases for the proposal development.
the handle nest is inspired in the weaver bird's nest. this nest is constructed from the interweaving of multiple simple elements such as twigs, leaves and grass; resulting in a complex but lightweight shelter for the bird.
having in mind the conceptual, formal and functional elements, the handle nest was designed. the handle has a textured central element that extends to the right tapering forming a handle, and down to looking for the lock.
the thin handle shows the lightness of the piece. in turn, the central element added to the texture that take a piece of the door, gives assurance of protection provided by the handle.
handle nest
morphological texture