
h3 by silvia guarnieri from italy

designer's own words:

h3 is a handle designed for both residential and public spheres. In addition to fulfilling its principal function, it can also serve as an aid to visually impaired. in fact, the name of the destination into which one enters upon opening the door is engraved in braille on the top surface of the handle. from the design perspective, the handle is inspired by a ribbon which adapts to the grip of the hand. its design, which is slender in the section acting as a grip, becomes more consistent towards the area that surrounds the dowel connecting the lever to the rose. the mobile section of the handle, or better the “lever”, becomes visually more important compared to the rose to which it is connected, (this is because about two thirds of the lower rose’s surface is hidden) giving the viewer a better appreciation of the dynamic component of the object.


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