guga by fernando escalante from guatemala

designer's own words:

the guga piece is intended to challenge the traditional door levers aesthetic concepts, achieving the balance between usability and looks. although inspired by american neolithic weapons, its rounded edges and rhythmic bumps will make opening or closing a door more of a massage sensation than one of aggression. its shape comes through sight and touch, to raise awareness of the users’ experience. its risky geometry, fare well in modern and sophisticated environments, whether in corporate or higher end home settings and allows the subsequent evolution of a family of handles.

the key hole located at the bottom right, supplementing the composition to be in a clear and accessible spot to the user giving the semiotic significance for the key. for the sample i opted for a traditional key hole but the deck can accommodate any state of the art lock.
the original design has been designed in brushed stainless steel, and being a symmetrical piece work for both sides of the door.

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