Growing Cycles - 06/13 by Ina Schneider from germany
designer's own words:
Growing Cycles - 06/13
Japanese design and architecture has strongly inspired and influenced my work. This award allows me an opportunity to visualize this connection:
My design for Kimono is based on a work series of 13 original paper collages.
They are the product of a conceptual work representing the observation and measurements of my plants over the period of one year. The dotted lines visualize their growth during spring-summer-fall and winter, each plant with its own layer in each season. The colours refer to their dimensions.
This is a portrait of wild wine, jasmine, fat hen, lemon balm and daffodils.
For the design pattern I chose the core of the collage (the part inside the planter).
I am interested in the connection with kimono principles, e.g. references to nature, its seasons, to occasions, to age and gender of the person wearing it. Beyong the original image I use the rotated and mirrored one as well as original and inversed colour to play with notions like night-day, male-female, east-south-west-north etc.
In a production process I would see them done in different techniques like printing or dyeing (the dotted pattern evokes an analogy to traditional japanese dyeing techniques, indigo, shibori).
“Growing Cycles – 06/13” – Idea for design pattern – kimono (male-female)
“Growing Cycles – 06/13” – Design core (original)
“Growing Cycles – 06/13” – Design core (inverted)
“Growing Cycles – 06/13” – Design Detail
“Growing Cycles – 06/13”- Drawing/Collage (original)
“Growing Cycles – 06/13”- Drawing/Collage (inverted)