Green Present by Yongsun Seo from korea
designer's own words:
We thought about a way to encourage more active participation of individuals in loving the nature and bringing it closer to the heart of the city to eventually turn the urban environment into the green environment.
Let’s put an end to the gray image of the city! We are familiar with growing flowers and plants to decorate our homes but not with doing things to cultivating the environment of the city we live in. The environment we live in is the space we continuously interact with, and it needs many people’s interest and care. If each and every member of the society cultivate and care about the environment by themselves, then it would be truly human and truly natural. The plants that we grow or give to others for the urban environment as well as ourselves and to make others feel the beauty will create a warm environment filled with energy and love. While everyone gives a bit of nature to each other in the city lacking greens, the city will turn green.
Today, global warming is a worldwide issue. People participate more actively in resolving the issue of global warming by growing and cultivating air purifying plants instead of taking passive actions about the serious issue. The plant can also become a solution that turns the uneventful living in the apartment complex into the fun living with friendly neighbors while slowing down the global warming.
[Flowerpot on the Outside Apartment Balcony Railing - Green Present + Air Purifying Plant Seed Package.]
The design we propose is the container for gifts. Figuratively, it is more like the flower wrapping.
The design takes a simple form to give emphasis on the nature, and the colors are also restricted. The design takes simple interface for anyone to easily install and enabled immediate application, and the air purifying plant seed package is provided as the basic option to realize the intention to consider our urban environment and the earth environment.
The green for the environment and for us is the gift.
Product Image
Concept,Interface Image
Application,Detail Image