green mod

green mod by gloria kelly from chile

designer's own words:

The increasing densification of the cities results we have fewer green areas, so man spends 80 % of his life in closed spaces, at work , home, malls… away from nature. One of the aims of the project is to bring nature over our daily lives in cities and make an interior landscape contribution, creating more dynamic and stimulating environments.
The project consists in a self watering hydroponic system that supports the plants, this systems have a lot of advantages, like major density of plants by surface, the substrate is more clean and light and there is a more efficient use of water.
It can be used in such different places as, work, lofts, apartments… using the plants as a constructive and configuration elements of spaces.

green at work

green_at_home.jpg green at home

copy_9_how_it_works.jpg how it works