green light

green light by yin feng zhang from china

designer's own words:

In our daily life,we will use a great many battery-powered products,such as shavers,toys,alarm clocks,as well as mp3 players. However,we usually throw away these batteries before long because of shortage of power,which result in the insufficient utilization of energy.
“Green light” is an "elf" that could make use of the residual electric power of the deserted battery to supply the LED lamp for lighting. The output power of a general AA dry battery is in excess of 2W, but a low-powered LED lamp only consumes less than 0.1W. If we put these deserted batteries in series connection,it will provide sufficient power for several LED lamps to light for a long time. In this way,energy is recycled,the "elf" is used as a lamp for lighting and also for decoration. Besides,the LED has a long lifespan and less heat-radiation,and it is better to environmental protection.
Put inside the discarded battery from time to time,just like depositing the money,it will help yourself and your children to form a good habit of saving and environmental protection.

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