green design by yeohyun ahn from usa
designer's own words:
Green Design is a movement to encourages using sustainable design products including materials and energy use. This is my experimental typography for articulating the meaning of Green Design. In my typography, I tried to create a visual language for Green Design by using the word, DESIGN, with numerous lines to construct the forms of trees outlined by the letter form, DESIGN. I expressed it to let my future audience interpret, "What Green Design is?" through this typography. For instance, people would understand the meaning of Design through the word, DESIGN, and then, they could interpret the entire image of DESIGN, as Green Design, because I used a specific range of green colors and a limited range of red to represent the green color, and the letter form of the DESIGN was outlined by a lot of lines to express the trees as metaphor of Green. I experimented with the coding directly by using Processing, created by Ben Fry and Casey Reas, to explore a new aesthetic typography as my own graphical identity. Technically, I referenced Binary Tree Algorithm, which is a data structure in which each node has at most two branches, Geomerative Library, handling vectorial shapes with a seed font, Arial, and Caligraft, created by Richard Marxer Pinon. I hope that my typography will help people geared toward understanding the meaning of Green Design and promote the movement of Green design.
Green Design 1 by Yeohyun Ahn
Green Design 2 by Yeohyun Ahn
Green Design 3 by Yeohyun Ahn