green citizen pass by gaston bonaudi from argentina
designer's own words:
We don't need just to produce, buy and trash more "green things". The real change start in ourselves, in our everyday behavior. We can make a big difference.
The GreenCitizenPass is a governmental program that promotes consciousness and rewards citizens that really cares our environment in their everyday actions.
By choosing the Clean Public Transportation System, Free City Bikes, or Electric Vehicles over the fosil-fuel-cars.
By joining Reciclyng Programs.
By joining Environmental Groups and Special Events that promote new connections with our world.
By buying those products certified with a G.C.P. sticker (products made in a clear industrial way, with deference to our earth).
All these kind of choosings will be rewarded since today.
The GreenPassport is a rechargeable contact-less stored credit smart card used to collect discounts in online or offline systems all over the city. The citizens now can get great discounts in their taxes, city transports or access to special green events by joining the GreenCitizenProgram.
Walk more, breathe more and think about what you really need.
Be green.
Be Green
Be Green
Be Green