
graffile by shi jun ng from usa

designer's own words:

popular culture defines teenagers. it shapes them as individuals; how they dress, how they speak, the things they like, what's cool or not, who's cool or not...

and, what is popular now is street culture, with the huge popularity of hip hop and rap and anything 'street' or 'hood'.

graffiti thus comes to mind when associations to street culture are brought up, and 'graffile' represents that: a fibreglass lounge chair whose shape mimicks the amorphous, wavy and organic lines of the brightly-colored graffiti that is plastered over it. a chair that speaks to teenagers with its bold, colored text and undulating yet ergonomic shape. a chair that can come in different colors, and different graffiti text to make it more personal or individualized.

graffile thus calls to all teenagers who identify with street -- all who belong to the 'movement', and all who are 'street' at heart.

graffile (elevation)

dscn0149.jpg graffile (side)

dscn0153.jpg graffile (top)