GlassJaw by Arief N. P. from indonesia
designer's own words:
Concussion and brain damage is bound to occur when one's typical day at work involves getting hit in the face over a period of 30 minutes. This kind of spectacle is what makes the sport of boxing such an exciting sport to watch, but it's not without its toll. The last thing you want is for your favorite fighter to come out of the wrong end (or even any end) of a brawl a damaged man. The fact is that boxers, both in victory and defeat, often suffer concussions when coming out of a particularly violent fight. The symptoms vary depending on the extent of the damage suffered and the athlete's past history in the sport; brawlers who have been knocked out before are more susceptible to be knocked out again - and are thus more vulnerable to repeat concussions. If only we could save them before their body fails them, if only the referee had some guiding point as to their condition, real-time...
GlassJaw is a series of ultrathin adhesive pressure pads that go on a boxer's KO zone, which is virtually all along the chin and jawline and behind the ears. These pressure pads send data to a computer when struck, so officials can determine how hard the boxer got hit. this way, officials and cornermen can observe the punishment being laid out to the fighters and judges can actually see how hard and decisive the punches are. If the doctor sees that the fighter has taken an excessive amount of force, he can conact the referee during the break. This way we can avoid unnecessary punishment and increase the number of due stoppages, and judging will also favor power punchers as the judges can see the data and put it into consideration.
single piece design
two piece design

real life application